penny stocks india moneycontrol

Looking for a way to make some quick money? Check out penny stocks! These low-priced stocks are typically the perfect way to get in on the action before the market takes off.

And since penny stocks are usually volatile, you can expect to see a lot of movement - which means you could make some serious profits in a short amount of time.

Here are five penny stocks to buy today for short term investment purposes. 1. ContraVir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: CVIR) is under attack by negative news, despite a recent breakthrough in late stage cancer drug trials!

Investors are concerned that Contravir shares will fall further due to declining test results and mounting political criticism toward pharmaceutical companies doing business inside China, noted The Wall Street Journal.

Mainstream media has taken notice of the issue as well; VYM reports that China criticized Roche for Human rights abuses, drug price fixing and sharing patient data with the U.S

The Chinese government has placed an embargo on imports of Roche products from China to keep these negative situations from spreading further.

BioDelivery Sciences International (NASDAQ: BLDR) earns a "Buy" rating after hosting seve arl positive meetings with investors and vendors, suggested The Wall Street Journal.

Although negative news will indicate a possible drop in share price - job well done BioDelivery! 3. Metal Employees International Union Local 579 (AMEX: MEI) earns "Hold" rating after reports of employee strikes conducted at several metal facilities in New York's metropolitan area, mentioned CNBC & Dow Jones Newswires reported on Friday March 20th, 2012