rachana ranade technical analysis

Rachana Ranade is a well-known technical analyst and market expert in India. She has over 20 years of experience in the financial markets and has been involved in various aspects of the industry, including equity research, portfolio management, and trading.

Technical analysis is a method of evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume.

Technical analysts use charts and other tools to identify patterns and trends that can indicate buying and selling opportunities.

Ranade is known for her expertise in technical analysis and has used this approach to help investors make informed decisions about their portfolio.

. She has also conducted numerous workshops and seminars on technical analysis, helping traders and investors understand the basics and advanced concepts of this method.

In addition to her work as a technical analyst, Ranade is also a popular speaker and media personality.

She has been featured in various financial publications and has appeared on television programs discussing market trends and investment strategies.